Tuesday 31 March 2015

General Hospital

“Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” - Winston S. Churchill 

In the immediate vicinity of the CBD of Chaguanas a major health facility is located, that is the privately owned Medical Associates Central Hospital (Photograph 1). This hospital has been recently opened in 2012 and provides a great number of services. Citizens of the middle and high income brackets would more be seen going to this hospital as it is more exclusive as payment is required as the hospital is private. This hospital is cleaner and more efficient due to the lack of public crowds. It features wards, fully functioning operating theatres, outpatient clinics, emergency rooms and CT scanning. Patients can be warded in this hospital if they are in need of extensive care or recovery.

PHOTOGRAPH 1, taken by Kristen Goseine with Canon EOS REBEL T3i/EOS 600D. (Date taken: 24/02/15)

There is another major health facility, also located on the outskirts, that is the Chaguanas District Health Facility (Photograph 2) which is open to the public at all times. This is a government owned facility and so it is free to all those in need of medical care, who cannot afford to go to private facilities. However, this results in there being a long waiting line to be seen by a physician. From personal experience this hospital is very unprofessional and the service is of a very poor quality. Due to the facility being crowded doctors, in an effort to attend to all patients, provide hasty service. This hospital operates on a “first come first serve” basis apart for emergencies.

PHOTOGRAPH 2, taken by Kristen Goseine with Canon EOS REBEL T3i/EOS 600D. (Date taken: 30/03/15)

Located in and around the CBD of Chaguanas there are other medical facilities and private practices. These places offer specific medical services such as STD and HIV/AIDS testing. There are also well known medical practitioners located here including Dr George A. Elias (Orthodontist) and Dr Rai Ragbir (General Practitioner).

Please note! While visiting these hospitals rest assured that there is no chance of running into the likes of Dr Victor Frankenstein, Dr Abraham Van Helsing or Dr Hannibal Lecter

In the Caribbean many persons who wish to study medicine tend to divert more towards foreign universities, whereas, those who study in the Caribbean migrate after they have completed their studies. This results in the brain drain phenomenon, commonly noticed in the region, where there is a loss of local persons to provide services. As a result of this many of the doctors located in Trinidad and Tobago are from Cuba and India, to assume these positions. 

Dass,, D. 2012. 'Medical Associates To Open Hospital In Chaguanas'. Trinidad And Tobago's Newsday. http://www.newsday.co.tt/features/0,168175.html.
Hannibal Wiki,. 2015. 'Hannibal Lecter'. Accessed March 31. http://hannibal.wikia.com/wiki/Hannibal_Lecter.
Health.gov.tt,. 2015. 'The Ministry Of Health - Trinidad And Tobago'. Accessed March 31. http://www.health.gov.tt/moh-healthfacilities/facility.aspx?id=33.
IMDb,. 2015. 'Dr. Victor Frankenstein (Character)'. Accessed March 31. http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0002564/.

IMDb,. 2015. 'Van Helsing (Character)'. Accessed March 31. http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0002557/.

Law and Order

One of the many services provided in Chaguanas is that of governmental institutions. These include the Chaguanas (middle right of Photograph 1) and Municipal Police Stations, the Magistrate Court (middle left of Photograph 1), the Chaguanas Borough Council (bottom right of Photograph 1), the Chaguanas Borough Corporation New Administrative Building (top of Photograph 1), the Ministry of Transport- Transport Division (Licensing Department) [bottom left of Photograph 1] and the offices of the Ministry of Tertiary Education and Food Production (which is currently under construction). The majority of these buildings are in close proximity to one another, for example the Chaguanas Police Station and the Magistrate Court being directly opposite to each other. However, efforts of decentralization of these services is seen, where the location of the Ministry of Tertiary Education and Food Production is no where close to the others. The locations of the existing buildings are so placed, in an effort to maintain some levels of efficiency in carrying out their services. The Chaguanas Borough Corporation New Administrative Building, is a relatively recent development in the urban area, and is aimed at housing several ministry offices, for the convenience of the public.

PHOTOGRAPH 1, taken by Kristen Goseine with Canon EOS REBEL T3i/EOS 600D. (Date taken: 30/03/15)
In urban areas such as Chaguanas, there are several factors which trigger urban change, which include the economy, society, environmental change, demography, culture and politics. Currently in Trinidad, there are local elections taking palce. As a result of this, the current government of the republic, in the months leading up to the election day, tend to encourage development of communities and urban areas, in an effort to gain votes. Therefore, they enhance urban change, through the factor of politics. This is particularly seen with the construction of the ministry office (Refer to Photograph 2) on the periphery of the CBD. There is also renovations being done in the older buildings, for example the Court, as well as overall relocation of the Borough Council to the recently built Borough Cooperation Administrative Building.

PHOTOGRAPH 2, taken by Kristen Goseine with Canon EOS REBEL T3i/EOS 600D. (Date taken: 30/03/15)
Braxton-Benjamin, N. 2014. 'Refurbishment To Begin At Chaguanas Court'. Trinidad Express Newspapers. http://www.trinidadexpress.com/news/Refurbishment-to-begin-at-Chaguanas-court-257883991.html.
Google.com,. 2015. 'Google Maps'. Accessed March 30. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Chaguanas,+Trinidad+and+Tobago/@10.5408187,-61.410289,18z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x8c35f9683ede6bcd:0x112ca977469a629b.
Pacione, Michael. 2005. Urban Geography. London: Routledge.

The Trinidad Guardian - Business Guardian,. 2014. 'Expanding Chaguanas - Ministries, Mall And An Industrial Park Earmarked'. http://www.guardian.co.tt/business-guardian/2014-04-10/expanding-chaguanas-ministries-mall-and-industrial-park-earmarked.

Saturday 21 March 2015

The Industrial Sector

“By means of industry and perseverance we will rise higher and higher.” - Robert Schumann

Trinidad and Tobago is one of the wealthiest nations in the Caribbean with the highest gross national income (GNI) at US$14,400. In 2011, the Organisation for Economic Corporation and Development (OECD) removed the country from its developing countries list, therefore, officially labeling it as a developed country.  
The Chaguanas industrial area stems from the CBD and is located along the previously active railway lines, similar to Hoyt’s sectoral model. Much like the suburban areas, development of industries were focussed along the existing railroads. In comparison to Point Lisas, a major industrial sector of Trinidad and Tobago, Chaguanas has a small to moderate level of industrial sector. The basis of Trinidad’s industrial activity is oil and gas, which is centered in the Point Lisas area. However, as the country continues to develop further there are the uprisings of other industrial sectors which can be located in or around major urban areas.
This area is adjacent to the highway which provides a direct link to the rest of the country. Most of the industries located here transport their products to various areas of the country and so having a direct route is an advantage. Industries are situated in close proximity to the highway and this allows for easy accessibility to markets for their products. This, thereby, leads to the reduction of transportation costs to markets which are located within or around Chaguanas. The industries are mostly located on the periphery of the urban area where there is less commercial traffic.

Photograph taken by Kristen Goseine with Canon EOS REBEL T3i/EOS 600D. (Date taken: 24/02/15)

The major industries located in Chaguanas are:
  •          KISS Baking Company Limited
  •          Bhagwansingh’s Hardware and Steel Industries Limited
  •          Industrial Rubber Products Limited
  •          Lange Trinidad Limited
  •          The Trinidad Guardian Newspaper
  •          ANSA McAL Centre
  •          YKK West Indies Limited
  •          Luxsam Industries Limited
  •          Massy Cat
  •          Chief Brand Products
  •          Holiday Snacks Limited

Fun Fact: The establishment of industries along railways can be seen in the DC Comic Batman where Wayne Enterprises were developed simultaneously with the Gotham Railroads during the Industrial Revolution. 

Batman Wiki,. 2015. 'Wayne Enterprises'. Accessed March 21. http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Wayne_Enterprises.
CCTV,. 2013. Trinidad And Tobago: One Of The Most Developed Caribbean Nations.. Video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnO4oxYIFJs.
Goodreads.com,. 2015. 'Quotes About Industry (93 Quotes)'. Accessed March 21. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/industry.
Oecd.org,. 2015. 'DAC List Of ODA Recipients - OECD'. http://www.oecd.org/dac/stats/daclist.htm.

Thorpe, G. 2013. 'Top 10 Caribbean Nations Based On Gross National Income - Page 5 Of 5 - Atlanta Blackstar'. Atlanta Blackstar. http://atlantablackstar.com/2013/12/19/top-10-richest-countries-in-caribbean-per-income/5/.