Saturday, 21 March 2015

The Industrial Sector

“By means of industry and perseverance we will rise higher and higher.” - Robert Schumann

Trinidad and Tobago is one of the wealthiest nations in the Caribbean with the highest gross national income (GNI) at US$14,400. In 2011, the Organisation for Economic Corporation and Development (OECD) removed the country from its developing countries list, therefore, officially labeling it as a developed country.  
The Chaguanas industrial area stems from the CBD and is located along the previously active railway lines, similar to Hoyt’s sectoral model. Much like the suburban areas, development of industries were focussed along the existing railroads. In comparison to Point Lisas, a major industrial sector of Trinidad and Tobago, Chaguanas has a small to moderate level of industrial sector. The basis of Trinidad’s industrial activity is oil and gas, which is centered in the Point Lisas area. However, as the country continues to develop further there are the uprisings of other industrial sectors which can be located in or around major urban areas.
This area is adjacent to the highway which provides a direct link to the rest of the country. Most of the industries located here transport their products to various areas of the country and so having a direct route is an advantage. Industries are situated in close proximity to the highway and this allows for easy accessibility to markets for their products. This, thereby, leads to the reduction of transportation costs to markets which are located within or around Chaguanas. The industries are mostly located on the periphery of the urban area where there is less commercial traffic.

Photograph taken by Kristen Goseine with Canon EOS REBEL T3i/EOS 600D. (Date taken: 24/02/15)

The major industries located in Chaguanas are:
  •          KISS Baking Company Limited
  •          Bhagwansingh’s Hardware and Steel Industries Limited
  •          Industrial Rubber Products Limited
  •          Lange Trinidad Limited
  •          The Trinidad Guardian Newspaper
  •          ANSA McAL Centre
  •          YKK West Indies Limited
  •          Luxsam Industries Limited
  •          Massy Cat
  •          Chief Brand Products
  •          Holiday Snacks Limited

Fun Fact: The establishment of industries along railways can be seen in the DC Comic Batman where Wayne Enterprises were developed simultaneously with the Gotham Railroads during the Industrial Revolution. 

Batman Wiki,. 2015. 'Wayne Enterprises'. Accessed March 21.
CCTV,. 2013. Trinidad And Tobago: One Of The Most Developed Caribbean Nations.. Video.,. 2015. 'Quotes About Industry (93 Quotes)'. Accessed March 21.,. 2015. 'DAC List Of ODA Recipients - OECD'.

Thorpe, G. 2013. 'Top 10 Caribbean Nations Based On Gross National Income - Page 5 Of 5 - Atlanta Blackstar'. Atlanta Blackstar.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Gotham trivia! Can you show us in a map where these industries are located around the CBD and in relation to the rail line?
